Extracted from "Bacteria, Germs and VIRUSES Do Not Cause Disease: Discriminating between Medical Myth and Biological Fact, excerpted from the book, Awakening Our Self-Healing Body. Arthur M. Baker.
Not many people realise that bacteria and viruses are the result, not the cause of disease.
Initially, the word "virus" meant poison, and the word "virulent" meant poisonous. Today, virus means a submicroscopic entity, and virulent generally means contagious. Modem medicine has employed the term virus to mean an ultra-minute form of life that infects cells, and which is
blamed for causing more and more of our diseases.
According to the popular portrayal of the virus, it is a form of life that parasitises all life
forms including animal, plant, and saprophytic (fungi and bacteria).
In descriptions of viral disease, viruses are credited with such actions as "injecting themselves", "incubating", "laying in wait", "invading", having an "active stage", "commanding", "reactivating", "disguising themselves", "infecting", "conducting sieges" and being "devastating" and "deadly".
Conventional medical theory explains that viruses come from dying cells which they have
infected—the virus "injects" itself into the cell and "commands" it to reproduce itself, and this
occurs until the cell explodes from the burden. Viruses are then free to seek out other cells to
repeat the process, thereby infecting the organism.
Virologists admit, however, that although viruses are distinctive and definitely organic in
nature, they have no metabolism, cannot be replicated in the laboratory, do not possess any
characteristics of living things and, in fact, have never been observed alive!!
"Live Viruses" Are Always Dead
The term "live virus" means only those created from living tissue cultures in vitro (within the
laboratory) since trillions of them result from "live" tissue. But herein lies the point: even
though some laboratory cultures are kept alive, there is massive cell turnover in the process,
and it is from these dying cells that "viruses" are obtained. They are always dead and inactive
because they have no metabolism or life, except being molecules of DNA and protein.
Viruses contain nucleic acid and protein but lack enzymes, and cannot support life on their
own since they do not even possess the first prerequisites of life, namely metabolic control
mechanisms (and even 'lowly' bacteria have these). Guyton's Medical Textbook acknowledges
that viruses have no reproductive system, no locomotion, no metabolism, and cannot be
reproduced as live entities in vitro.
The Mitochondria Connection
Since "viruses" are not alive, they cannot act in any of the ways as ascribed to them by
medical authorities except as a functional unit of our normal genetic material inside the cell's
nucleus or the mitochondrian nucleus within the cell.
Mitochondria are living organisms—just one of many of the varying organelles (little organs) within each cell of our body. Mitochondria are about the size of bacteria, both of which have their own DNA and their own metabolism.
The mitochondria metabolise glucose into ATP molecules, which is ready-made energy usable when called upon by the body. What do these facts have to do with "viruses" as such? Everything, as you will see in just a moment.
For anyone who has studied cytology (cell structure), the greatest number of life-forms within a cell are the mitochondria—the creators of our energy.
Simple single-celled protozoa have up to a half-million mitochondria within them. Human
cells have less—from a few hundred in blood cells, to 30,000 or more in our larger muscle tissue cells. Since the entire human body contains some 75 to 100 trillion cells, each containing, on the average, thousands of mitochondria, there must be quadrillions or quintillions of them in our system.
When a cell dies, it is replaced by a daughter cell during the process of mitosis, and the spent cell is disintegrated by lysosomes—the potent self-destructing, self-digesting, intracellular enzymes that break up cellular components into ultra-minute particles so that the body can readily recycle them or excrete them as waste.
Each day, about 300 billion to over a half-trillion cells in our body expire (depending on our level of toxicity), each containing an average of 5,000-20,000 mitochondria. When cells die they are self-destructed by their own lysosomes, but the nuclei and the genomes of mitochondria are better protected than other cellular organelles and protoplasm and often do not completely decompose.
Genomes and nuclei are microscopic templates of genetic information consisting of DNA or RNA that act as the control centre and the storehouse of the very 'blueprints' of the cell. As such, they are to mitochondria and cells what brains are to our body.
Every cell and every mitochondrion contains this generic material which is actually the most protected pan of the cell (by virtue of its double-lipid protein sheath), just as our nervous system is the most vital and most protected portion of our physiology (by virtue of our backbone and skull).
Upon cellular death, mitochondria are broken down by lysosomes but not always completely, due to their highly protective doublemembrane sheath. And here is where this explanation gets interesting.
According to Guyton's Textbook of Medical Physiology, a virus is said to be a minute bit of genetic material (called a genome) which is literally about a billionth the size of a cell.
The genome is surrounded by a capsid covering that is usually a double lipidprotein
sheath and is actually composed of two unit membranes (almost identical to the cell membrane) which, incidentally, is the very structure of the mitochondrian nucleus.
Photos of "viruses" revealed through electron microscopes show their membranes to be rough and jagged, sometimes only pan of one layer and sometimes one layer and a portion of the second, which is consistent with the self-digesting action of lysosomes when their job of breaking down cellular waste is partial and incomplete. As such, this description of a "virus" is virtually identical with the description of the remaining genomes of the cell's mitochondria as well.
At one point, viruses were once living matter and some physiology texts hypothesise that they are the debris of spent cells. Lysosomes that disintegrate the spent cell often fail to break up these "viruses" surrounded by the double-lipid coat membrane.
It is surprising that researchers fail to recognise these for what they apparently are—spent mitochondrian generic material, particularly fragments of RNA and DNA.
Since "viruses" are not alive, they cannot act in any of the ways as ascribed to them by medical authorities except as a functional unit of our normal genetic material inside the cell's nucleus or the mitochondrian nucleus within the cell.
"Viruses" Are Not Micro-organisms
Even though medical authorities mistakenly attribute to this dead cellular debris the powers of life and malevolence, microbi-ologists acknowledge that viruses are dead bits of DNA in a protein-lipid membrane coat, although failing it realise its source.
As such, genomes are control mechanisms but not micro-organisms as the medical establishment would have us believe, since these so-called "viruses" are merely lifeless fragments of mito-chondrial generic debris. Because of this, viruses cannot cause disease unless they accumulate as filth and pollute our cells, tissues and circulation upon cellular death.
Viruses, then, are dead genomes from disintegrated cells whose cellular membrane is not completely broken down by cellular lysosomes.
Genomes have no characteristics of life whatsoever, and are merely bits of nucleic acid material normally recycled through phagocytosis or excreted as waste.
Photos of alleged viruses "injecting themselves" into a cell actually show the cell literally engulfing the "virus" or proteinaceous debris.
A dent, called invaginarion, then forms and the organic matter is surrounded by cellular substance which closes off, forming an impromptu stomach, and the "virus" disappears. The stomach then fills with powerful lysosome enzymes which digest the organic material, breaking it down into ammo acids and fatty acids for recycling or Elimination. This process is a normal feature of cell physiology called phagocytosis (literally, cell-eating)—the routine process of cellular inges-tion and enzymatic digestion of bacteria, dead tissue debris and other errant cells.
Viruses are merely inert organic material totally devoid of all life qualities and are never seen to act. Photographs purporting to show viruses in action are outright frauds: what is actually shown is an ordinary physiological process of phagocytosis which occurs countless times daily within the body.
Remember, according to medical texts on virology and microbiology, viruses have the following un-lifelike characteristics:
1) Viruses have no metabolism—they cannot process food-stuffs or nutriment and they have no energy formation. They are only a template, or pattern of information, as are all genomes.
2) Viruses have no faculties for action of any kind—no nervous system, no sensory apparatus, and no intelligence that may coordinate movement or "bodily invasion" of any kind.
3) Viruses cannot replicate themselves—they supposedly depend entirely upon "obligate reproduction"—meaning, reproduction by a host organism, something totally unheard of in all biology.
Obligate Reproduction
In the medical rationale to viral disease causation, we are told to believe in obligate reproduction, where one organism (the cell) is obligated to reproduce an alien organism (the "virus"). Nowhere in nature, however, does any living thing reproduce anything other than
its own kind. Do not forget that the size relationship of a virus to a cell is literally about one billionth the size.
The viral rationale of disease-causation tells us to believe that the virus injects itself into the cell and commands it to reproduce the virus hundreds of thousands of times, upon which the cell explodes. When the virus "reproduces", its collective mass still equals far less than 1/lOOth of one percent of the mass of the cell. That is like saying if you inject yourself with half an ounce of a substance, it will cause so much internal pressure that you will explode!!
Only living micro-organisms are capable of acting and reproducing, which is under direct control of the nucleus, genome or "brain". A socalled "virus" is a detached pan of a once organically functioning entity whose genetic structure has the same relationship that a head has to a body: to ascribe any action to viruses is roughly akin to attributing actions to a dead person's decapitated head!
Viruses Are Toxic Only As Accumulated Wastes
Our blood and tissues may become saturated with these internally generated waste materials, as well as from pollutants ingested from the outside. Intoxication occurs as these overload the body beyond its ability to eject them.
Viruses do cause disease in as much as they are toxic waste materials. In this sense, "viruses" do indeed occasion disease but not as contagious agents.
Remember, bacteria, germs, and viruses do not communicate or act in concert and are incapable of conducting joint operations like armies of attackers—they lack the intelligence and resources required to conduct the disease process. Only the body can initiate such a healing
crisis since the body is the only unified intelligent entity capable of conducting physiological processes termed "disease".
Avoid "Infections" Through Healthful Living
Boyd's Medical Textbook states that most normal persons harbour viruses without developing the particular diseases the viruses are supposed to cause, and that enervating influences overcome the body's protective functions, "permitting the viruses to usurp the biological activities within the cell". More specifically, according to medical theory, for a parasite or virus to be pathogenic it has to meet three criteria:
1) It must be biochemically active—it must have metabolic capacity in order to perform action.
2) It would have to infect or intoxicate more of the host's cells than the animal or human organism could spare or regenerate—for instance, you would only suffer from influenza if the virus kills or infects a significant portion of your lung's cells; the polio virus if it affects enough of your nerve cells; or the hepatitis virus if it takes hold of a large portion of your liver cells. (Latent infections are those that involve a small percentage of our cells, like tuberculosis, which most
of us have and do not even notice.)
3) The host must be genetically and immunologically permissive. It has to accept the pathogen and cannot be "immune" to it— it has to "let it happen", so to speak.
Humans are always "infected" with bacteria and "viruses" as they are present in the body at all times—therefore, one cannot say they "invade" the host. Diseases are not infections; rather, they are body purification processes and are not created by bacteria or "viruses".
Neither "viruses" nor bacteria can cause the illness/healing crisis. The real culprit is the biologically incorrect lifestyle of the sufferer. When debilitating habits are discontinued there are no further toxic accumulations, and the need for the body to generate the healing/disease process will cease to exist. Health is the natural result.
A so-called "virus" is a detached part of a once organically functioning entity whose genetic structure has the same relationship that a head has to a body: to ascribe any action to viruses is roughly akin to attributing actions to a dead person's decapitated head!
Drugs Are Counterproductive
To kill off bacteria and viruses to enable the body a chance to recover, medics believe that they must administer drugs. They also believe that medicine assists in healing. Drugs indeed kill off bacteria, but they are just as deadly to all forms of metabolic life including human cells.
The use of drugs and herbal medicines sabotage the body's detoxification efforts by posing an additional threat to the system besides the vile substances it was ejecting via the disease process. Eliminating the newly-ingested offending substance now takes
precedence over those which caused the healing crisis in the first place.
The medical practice of killing germs with drugs, antibiotics, antiinflammatory agents or serums to suppress germ activity is the cause of increasing degeneration of the population and iatrogenic disease.
Acute disease is self-limiting, according to the time and effort required to rid the organism of injurious substances. The work performed by scavenging bacteria during the disease process is both exhausting and unpleasant to the host but is vitally necessary for the preservation of life and health.
After the detoxification process is complete, disease symptoms disappear and the organism again makes its energies amount for normal endeavours. Strength then returns to the extremities. The body, although debilitated from the effort made necessary by its toxic condition, regains its powers and functional vitality and recovers without treatment. When the healing crisis is completed, recovery begins.
The Illusion Of Contagion
People have been educated to be terrified of bacteria and viruses and to believe implicitly in the idea of contagion—that specific, malevolently-aggressive disease entities pass from one host to another.
"Contagion" is medically defined as the transmission of disease by contact—an infectious disease is communicable by contact with one suffering from it, or with an object touched by them. The dictionary cites the mechanism as "viruses or other infective agents" or "something that serves as a medium to transmit disease either by direct or indirect means".
Contagion is a medical myth, however, since toxic wastes cannot be passed from one body to the next via normal contact. The contagious diseases are deceptive, for no one can give his or her disease to another any more than one can give away his or her health. Something similar
to contagion seems to occur when an extremely toxaemic person is exposed to someone similarly ill— thereby triggering a healing crisis.
What's Really Going On Here?
Bacteria or germs of such individuals are stimulated into action by those devitalised elements upon which the bacteria thrive. When transferred to the mucus membranes or tissues of another person equally toxaemic, the bacteria may begin working immediately in the same manner as in the host carrier if adequate decomposition products exist as a food source for bacterial colonies to take hold and thrive. But a soiled environment is a prerequisite to such bacterial action.
The healthy individual with an uncontaminated, relatively pure bloodstream therefore need not be concerned nor apprehensive about "contagious disease".
We usually cannot transfer our toxic load to someone else unless it is drawn out of us (as in donating blood) and then injected into another person (as in transfusion). This represents medically-induced contagion or iatrogenic disease, rather than those occurring within the
realm of natural biological life processes.
This is the true explanation of "contagion". The germ triggers, precipitates or excites the disease process in those who are tox-aemic. But in those who are not, contagion is not valid and does not exist so long as the body is pure—for it is the soil in the system that prepares the body for "contagions" by our failure to keep our body fluids and tissues clean and nonpolluted.
The Actual "Contagious" Factors and Influences
In reality, there is no such thing as "contagion", for the only diseaseproducing agents are biologically unhealthful habits such as indulgence in alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, drugs, junk foods, refined foods, too little rest and sleep, lack of exercise and sunshine, etc.
It is the biologically incorrect lifestyle practices which cause diseases that are rampant throughout the population. It is not any 'bug that is going around': it is what we do to our own body that violates its systemic needs. "Susceptibility" Revisited
The concept of "contagion" is closely related to the equally erroneous notion of "susceptibility"—for a contagion is supposedly "contagious" only if the individual is "susceptible". This medical rationale is really an admission that germs do not cause disease. If they did, everyone exposed would become sick with the same disease.
Actually, a "susceptible" person is one with a high degree of body toxicity, along with the sufficient vitality to conduct the disease/purification process. The individual may become ill whether exposed to a "contagion" or not at any given time.
When truly healthy individuals maintain their health while in the midst of "communicable or epidemic diseases", then it must be selfevident that the theory of contagion is incorrect.
The pan of the body most laden with toxins is the first to exhibit disease symptoms, but the overall effect is systemic as all the organs and glands of the system suffer impairment to some degree.
... acceptance of the theory of contagion is contingent upon acceptance of the germ theory of disease—that specific bacteria or "viruses" produce specific disease symptoms. This theory has been repeatedly demonstrated as incorrect in the scientific field, and was even admitted by Pasteur as being incorrect.
And How About Our True "Epidemics"?
Furthermore, the most prevalent diseases around are not even contagious. Over 90 per cent of all Americans have plaque in their arteries, yet this is not considered contagious. (But AIDS, which is declared to be an epidemic, affects only l/10,000th the number of people!!) Is obesity considered contagious? It affects one of every three people. How about constipation? It affects about 90 per cent of our population.
And is bad eyesight which affects two of every three persons contagious? The same can be said for bad teeth, high blood pressure, headaches, lower back problems, etc., as these diseases are extremely widespread. More than half of all Americans have cardiovascular
problems, but are they contagious? The most feared of all diseases is cancer. Is it contagious? Arthritis affects more people than herpes. Is it contagious? And how about asthma and acne?
Take colds for instance. How is it that infants have about eight colds per year while the parents only a few? How is it that those persons isolated at observation posts in the North and South Poles 'catch' colds during their stay? How is it that between 1965-67 the National Institutes of Health's cold laboratories in Bethesda, Maryland conducted experiments that showed everything but contagion?
Volunteers were swabbed daily with supposed cold "viruses" taken directly from those suffering colds, and none became ill. More in the control group developed colds. In the meantime, shortly following traditional Thanksgiving feasts, the number of colds in both groups increased dramatically as would be expected when excessively rich food and drink is consumed during holiday festivities.
Venereal disease is also supposed to be contagious—but the socalled contagious factors (bacteria) are present because of the disease and are not the cause of the condition (and 20 per cent or so of those suffering V.D. have neither gonococcus nor spirochetes which are said to cause it).
The US Navy conducted experiments which showed that so-called "infected persons" could not infect those termed healthy.
In Japan, "infected" prostitutes had been with dozens of G.I.s, none of whom contracted the disease. Similarly, many individuals have "infections" in the genital area who have not been in contact with anyone (as seen in cases involving young children).
The concept of contagion is medically unproven despite appearances to the contrary.
The Bottom Line
So-called "contagious diseases" like AIDS, venereal disease and athlete's foot are no more contagious than any other disease—but it does serve certain commercial interests to make people believe that they are.
Basically, acceptance of the theory of contagion is contingent upon acceptance of the germ theory of disease—that specific bacteria or "viruses" produce specific disease symptoms. This theory has been repeatedly demonstrated as incorrect in the scientific field, and was even admitted by Pasteur as being incorrect.
Nevertheless, the germ theory and the theory of contagion are perpetuated by our modem medical system whose prestige, profits and power are largely based on belief in this erroneous theory.
The belief in contagion is difficult to overcome since almost everyone's mind has been similarly 'infected' by exploitive 'health care' industries that have a vested interest in disease and suffering and in perpetuating such erroneous beliefs.
Basically, the populace believes what the medical establishment wants it to. The theory of contagion maintains the demand for their drug, medical and hospital practices.
If you live healthfully you will likely never suffer disease. Diseases are caused only by unhealthful lifestyle practices. Do not forget, only the drug, hospital and medical industries teach that health is recovered by administering poisonous drugs.
This perhaps is one of the most prominent seeds of "contagious" disease. The bottom line is that if germs play any role in the causation of disease, it is never a primary one but is always secondary to those causes that lower our resistance or impair health. Good health is the maximum insurance against all disease in all cases.